Wednesday 30 March 2011

British Summer Time ll

Since February 2011, Dilwara Begum has been taking part in ‘British Summer Time ll’, a professional development programme for artists. It is funded by the Arts Council and is being co-delivered by the MAC and New Art Gallery Walsall.

As part of a group of participating artists on the programme, all of who are at various levels in their careers, Dilwara Begum is enjoying the development of her knowledge, creative practise, network and as she learns about the regional, national and international visual art scene. Through visits to galleries nationally, meeting curators and other artists and an ‘Artist-Lab’, Dilwara Begum has the opportunity to explore her own practise.

Dilwara Begum is currently at the research and development stage of a new project in preparation for the ‘Artist-Lab’. She is researching the following themes; death, burial rituals, spiritually and nature in response to what is happening globally, with many lives being lost due to either man-made issues or natural disaster such the bombing in Libya.  She will explore materials used for burials such as slate, wood, stone, fabric and text. Dilwara Begum is considering the idea of sight specific installation at the mac and Cannon Hill Park.

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